Astral Dreams Event supports Stand w Ukraine by offering some free booths for interested Ukrainian designers. About ten days ago, the Stand w Ukraine project was created to help Ukrainian designers inworld who are interested in promoting their inworld stores and booths related to current events. You can read in detail about the project at the following link: Stand w Ukraine HUD – a showcase of Ukrain stores in Second Life.
Astral Dreams Event has decided to join the initiative, offering Ukrainian designers the designer pack that allows them to promote their booths and inworld stores and some free booths reserved for them.
Interested designers can fill in the relevant application form.

Ukraine Creator? Set your store taking the creator pack. | Marketplace |
A customer interested in supporting Ukraine Creators? Take the HUD for shopping. | Marketplace |
Leggi in Italiano
Astral Dreams Event supporta Stand w Ukraine offrendo alcuni booth gratis per i designer ucraini interessati. Una decina di giorni fa ha preso vita il progetto Stand w Ukraine, nato per supportare inworld i designer ucraini che sono interessati alla promozione dei loro inworld stores e dei booth relativi ad eventi in corso. Puoi leggere in dettaglio del progetto al seguente link: Stand w Ukraine HUD – a showcase of Ukrain stores in Second Life.
Astral Dreams Event ha deciso di aderire all’iniziativa, non solo offrendo ai designer ucraini il designer pack che permette loro di promuovere i loro booths e inworld stores, ma offrendo anche alcuni booths gratis a loro riservati.
I designer interessati possono compilare la relativa application form.
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