On January 14, 2012, I opened my account on Second Life and immediately started blogging. I mainly focused on articles about art exhibitions in Second Life. Over the years, I developed various skills. Besides writing, I learned to make videos and create original mesh clothing using various 3D modeling programs. I also improved my photography skills, conducting courses for the Italian community and making YouTube videos dedicated to photography.
I produced several video tutorials in English that garnered significant interest. Now, however, I am at a point in my life where I need to reduce some activities to make them compatible with my real life. Therefore, I had to choose to focus only on a few passions, particularly photography and clothing creation in Second Life. This means I will have to leave other activities, including I Love Events.
I am happy to announce that the new owner of I Love Events will be Violet Boa, starting today. Violet is a long-time collaborator whose passion for art and ability to present events in Second Life I have always admired. I am convinced that she is the most suitable person to take on the role of owner of I Love Events and carry forward this important project for the Second Life community.

Violet will focus on the events of her greatest interest, which might change the approach to managing some parts of I Love Events. These decisions will be entirely up to her. During this year, I will continue to support Violet, especially from a technical standpoint, as she learns to manage the site. However, the decisions on which events to include in the calendar and which to create posts about will be her responsibility.
I am certain that Violet will manage I Love Events with great professionalism, thanks to the passion and love she puts into everything she does. I will always be available to support her if needed. With this, I close my project and wish Violet to continue with the same passion in the years to come.
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Dear Oema,
I feel truly honored and grateful that you’ve chosen me to take over I Love Events. I understand how important it is to focus on what matters most to you and take care of yourself. While I’m sad to see you step away from this project, I’m so thankful for the chance to carry it forward.
Your love for Second Life has always been inspiring. From your early days writing about art to becoming skilled in video-making, mesh modeling, and photography, you’ve made a lasting impact on the community. I Love Events is a perfect example of your passion, hard work, and dedication to highlighting the incredible creativity in Second Life.
I’m so thankful for all the time and effort you’ve put into building this amazing platform. I promise to do my best to maintain the high standards you’ve set and keep sharing the wonderful events that make Second Life such a unique and special place.
With gratitude & ❤