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August, 13th – 11 AM SLT – 27 JST

Live music with “Piano & Noise”

Tia Rungray  returns to Wild Xia Gallery. It is an art gallery by Wild Alchemi (Xia Firethorn) in Akipelago, with an adjacent garden by Mitsuko Kytori (Hayabusa Design). Feel the scent of summer virtually as well.

Wild Xia GalleryTia Rungray が帰ってきます。そこはWild Alchemi (Xia Firethorn)によるThe Akipelago内のアートギャラリーで、隣接する庭園はMitsuko Kytori (Hayabusa Design)によるものです。夏の香りをバーチャルでも感じましょう。

YouTube Live Stream

Organizer: The Akipelago – Akiko Kinoshi

Teleport: Wild Xia Gallery in Akikaze

Welcome for the beauty of thinking in sounds!

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SOUND & ART PRODUCE: Takayuki Noami (Non-REM Studio)


Please listen, visit & follow Tia Rungray:

INFO GROUP – In World SL – Website – YouTube – Facebook – Twitter – Flickr

Apple Music – Spotify

Booking to: Tialer Mimulus or Violet Boa – *Please send us your note card when you contact us.

Akipelago Islands – Akiko Kinoshi

PR: Art Promotion by Violet Boa

Violet Boa

In my capacity as the Senior Manager of Blog and Digital Media Marketing at, I am deeply committed to driving positive change within our global community. My role is both diverse and instrumental in shaping our digital presence. It encompasses the orchestration of meticulously planned and executed public relations and digital media marketing strategies. These responsibilities extend to coordinating interviews, managing events, conducting extensive research to identify promising partnership opportunities, and cultivating strong relationships with journalists, influencers, and bloggers. I ensure that their campaigns are not only effectively communicated but also flawlessly executed. The bedrock of my work is a dedication to excellence, and I take great pride in contributing to the success of our valued clients. Read more on the Profile Page:

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