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Prepare to immerse yourself in a transcendent musical journey as Tia Rungray graces the virtual stage of Grand Blue. On August 12th at 6 AM SLT, the renowned sound artist will blend the ethereal tones of the piano with avant-garde noise, creating a mesmerizing symphony that defies conventional music boundaries. This performance marks Tia Rungray’s highly anticipated return to Grand Blue after a four-year hiatus, promising an unforgettable auditory experience.

Experience the magic within the enchanting Sky Forest, located in the digital realm of Grand Blue. Engage with fellow music enthusiasts and immerse yourself in an environment where art and technology harmoniously converge.

Tia Rungray is celebrated for her unique fusion of classical piano and innovative noise elements. His work transcends traditional music genres, creating immersive soundscapes that captivate and inspire. Each performance is a journey through aural landscapes, blending haunting melodies with experimental textures.

Grand Blue, renowned for hosting exceptional virtual events, brings together art, music, and community. Join us in celebrating the return of Tia Rungray and witness a performance that pushes the boundaries of live music in the metaverse.

Whether you’re a devoted fan or new to Tia Rungray’s artistry, this live event promises to be a highlight of your summer. Mark your calendars, invite your friends, and get ready to experience a night where piano and noise merge into a captivating symphony.

Feel the rhythm. Embrace the noise. Witness Tia Rungray live.

Date and Time
Date: August 12, 2024
Start Time: 06 AM (PDT/SLT), 22:00 (JST)
Venue: Sky Forest in Grand Blue

YouTube Live URL: Watch Live on YouTube

Violet Boa, Tia Rungray PR Representative

Violet Boa

In my capacity as the Senior Manager of Blog and Digital Media Marketing at, I am deeply committed to driving positive change within our global community. My role is both diverse and instrumental in shaping our digital presence. It encompasses the orchestration of meticulously planned and executed public relations and digital media marketing strategies. These responsibilities extend to coordinating interviews, managing events, conducting extensive research to identify promising partnership opportunities, and cultivating strong relationships with journalists, influencers, and bloggers. I ensure that their campaigns are not only effectively communicated but also flawlessly executed. The bedrock of my work is a dedication to excellence, and I take great pride in contributing to the success of our valued clients. Read more on the Profile Page:

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