September, 3rd – 7 AM SLT – 2022年7月2日(土)23:00 日本時間
The Akipelago presents,
artistic fusion 音とアートの即興共演
In this month’s “artistic fusion” presented by the Akipelago, you will experience the sparkle of the “moment” created by two sensibilities who meet in the meta-verse “Second Life” and mutually stimulate each other. As your senses go where they will take you, with “cyber” as the key word, we invite you to experience the sparkle of this “moment.” We hope you will enjoy watching it in real time, safely and comfortably in your favorite place and environment.
今月のAkipelago提供 “artistic fusion” は、「サイバー」をキーワードに感性が赴くままに、メタバース「セカンドライフ」で巡り合った2つの感性がお互いを呼応し相互に刺激し合って生まれる「瞬間」のきらめきをご体験いただきます。ぜひリアルタイムで安全に、お気に入りの場所・環境からゆったりとご覧くださいませ。
RULIE CISSE YouTube channel
4K live broadcast URL
Our cheerful welcome for the beauty of art and music!
The Akipelago in meta-verse “Second Life”

Rulie Cisseは、より高質な演奏表現をリアルタイムに皆様へお届けし続けていくために、
Rulie Cisse is developing her performance activities with the goal of realizing the monetization of her YouTube channel in order to continue to provide you with higher quality performance expressions in real time. Thanks to your warm viewing of our videos, we were able to meet the requirements for video playback time this spring, and we thank you very much for your support. The only thing left to do is to “achieve 1,000 subscribers,” and we will be more proactive in developing new expressions and collaborations. We are looking forward to your continued support.
Google Calendar – To check the performance schedule 公演スケジュール最新版
*24 hours non-stop free continuous broadcasting, irregular updates.
(Can also be streamed to Second Life land.)
RULIE CISSE Management Office in Second Life
Inquiries about fan group participation and performances in inworld
All cover songs arranged and performed by: Rulie Cisse
All copyrights to the original tunes belong to: Project Legato (Katsushi Sakamoto)
Use without permission of the right holder is strictly prohibited.

Violet Boa – Akipelago PR & Art Promotion
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