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Saturday, 4th February – 6 am SLT – 15 h CET – 23 h – JST

The Akipelago presents,

artistic fusion 音とアートの即興共演

Kerupa Flow: art & stage effects

Rulie Cisse: real-time piano improvisation

Rulie Cisse Improvised Piano Akipelago Monthly Performance, February 2023, with ART and light artist Kerupa Flow, will present a live improvisation performance in memory of Jeff Beck and Yukihiro Takahashi. A thrilling performance will take place in real time, with the arrangements of these wonderful works that will never fade away, as the sensibility of the moment dictates. Those who cannot come to the Second Life venue in their avatars can participate and watch the performance safely and comfortably via YouTube.


Rulie Cisse即興ピアノAkipelago月例公演、2023年2月度はARTと光の芸術家Kerupa Flowさんとの共演で、Jeff Beck氏, Yukihiro Takahashi氏の追悼生即興公演を生中継でお送りいたします。決してこれからも減衰していくことのない素晴らしい作品をその場の感性が赴くままにアレンジし、リアルタイムでスリリングなパフォーマンスが展開されます。セカンドライフ会場にアバターでお越しになれない方もYouTubeから安全に、ゆったりとご参加、ご視聴が頂けます


RULIE CISSE YouTube channel
4K live broadcast URL

Our cheerful welcome for the beauty of art and music!

AKIPELAGO Kerupa Stage | in meta-verse “Second Life”

Beyond Attenuation Kerupa Rulie in Akipelago Feb. 2023

Rulie Cisseは、より高質な演奏表現をリアルタイムに皆様へお届けし続けていくために、

Rulie Cisse is developing her performance activities with the goal of realizing the monetization of her YouTube channel in order to continue to provide you with higher quality performance expressions in real time. Thanks to your warm viewing of our videos, we were able to meet the requirements for video playback time this spring, and we thank you very much for your support. The only thing left to do is to “achieve 1,000 subscribers,” and we will be more proactive in developing new expressions and collaborations. We are looking forward to your continued support.

Google Calendar – To check the performance schedule 公演スケジュール最新版

Facebook – Twitter

Internet Radio

 *24 hours non-stop free continuous broadcasting, irregular updates.
 (Can also be streamed to Second Life land.)

 RULIE CISSE Management Office in Second Life
Inquiries about fan group participation and performances in inworld


All cover songs arranged and performed by: Rulie Cisse
All copyrights to the original tunes belong to: Project Legato (Katsushi Sakamoto)
Use without permission of the right holder is strictly prohibited.

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The Akipelago Islands

Art Promotion

Violet Boa

In my capacity as the Senior Manager of Blog and Digital Media Marketing at, I am deeply committed to driving positive change within our global community. My role is both diverse and instrumental in shaping our digital presence. It encompasses the orchestration of meticulously planned and executed public relations and digital media marketing strategies. These responsibilities extend to coordinating interviews, managing events, conducting extensive research to identify promising partnership opportunities, and cultivating strong relationships with journalists, influencers, and bloggers. I ensure that their campaigns are not only effectively communicated but also flawlessly executed. The bedrock of my work is a dedication to excellence, and I take great pride in contributing to the success of our valued clients. Read more on the Profile Page:

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