Anuska Loon, a fashion blogger in Second Life, has a distinctive photographic style that is characterized by a high level of attention to detail and a focus on vibrant colors and textures. Her photographs are often shot from close-up angles, allowing for an intimate and detailed view of the clothing and accessories she showcases.

Sunset in the Oasis

Anuska’s use of lighting is also noteworthy, as she often employs dramatic shadows and highlights to create a sense of depth and dimensionality in her images. This technique adds a sense of drama and flair to her photos, making them stand out from others in the genre.

Overall, Anuska’s style is characterized by a sense of playfulness and experimentation, with each photograph showcasing a unique perspective on the latest fashion trends. Her images are both visually stunning and informative, making them a valuable resource for anyone interested in fashion and style in Second Life.

I had the pleasure to interview her.

Spring Vintage Memories

Oema: When did you first become interested in fashion in Second Life?

Anuska: I logged on to Secondlife for the first time in 2007 and although I love fashion in RL I was not interested in it until 2010 when I saw people around me making pictures for blogs, with those beautiful avatars. So in that time begin to improve my avatar and being interested in fashion but it was in 2014 that I opened my style blog.

Oema: How do you keep up with the latest trends in Second Life fashion?

Anuska: Well, actually I´m blogging for many events so I have access to designer products and I make an idea of what it’s trendy in each round, but Seraphim it’s my main fashion info media source.

Je veux

Oema: Can you walk us through your creative process when putting together an outfit for a blog post or photo shoot?

Anuska: At first it’s madness, lol! cause I don’t have as much time as I wish, so I make an excel with all my sponsors and events, and I try to combinate the most number of products that I can; I think of a theme and set up a scene, then I just do pictures and pictures with many ideas (maybe of 50 pictures I use 3). Lately, I’ve been making a lot of decor pictures, cause I feel comfy, maybe it’s cause it’s my job on RL.

Natural & Sweet Love

Oema: Who are some of your favorite Second Life fashion designers and why?

Anuska: Uff! this is not an easy question… I have a lot of favorite designers, but I gonna answer with heart, cause I´ve been working with them for years and I think they are really talented and the quality of their products it’s awesome. Sunami Beck from EMERY, Erratic Rain from ERRATIC, Harry Hyx from ISON, Nata Fluffpaw from TETRA Julliette Westerburg from TRES BLAH and Zaara Kohime from ZAARA are some of them.

Oema: How important is it for you to stay true to your personal style while also incorporating new trends into your looks?

Anuska: Stay true to my Style it’s ALL. Times and fashion change, although I personally think that in fashion all it’s almost invented, only change the way you mix the clothing pieces, I think it’s mandatory to have your personal style, the essence of how express yourself, without falling into the way of how others do.

Oema: Can you share any tips for new Second Life fashion bloggers on building an audience and growing their platform?

Anuska: The only tip that I can give is being persistent, if they really love to blog, continue with their work without the pressure of likes or views, and stay faithful as well as their personal style.


Oema: What challenges have you faced as a fashion blogger in Second Life and how have you overcome them?

Anuska: Blogging on Second Life has been like therapy for me, at the beginning my comfy zone caused external causes of my RL life. So I couldn’t say any negative about this experience, but if I had to say something that “frustrated” me it’s when I don’t know how to express my ideas due to lack of technique in photoshop, but this it’s like all in the life, if you want something, you have to improve forget it, so I saw a lot of tutorials on youtube of PS.

Oema: How do you see Second Life fashion evolving in the future?

Anuska: I see less and less fashion in SL If we talk of high fashion. Now the public consumes more and wear fewer clothes.


Oema: What are your favorite Second Life fashion events or experiences that you’ve had?

Anuska: I’m a very fan of my actual events, but a memorable experience is when I received a Collabor88 invite was a super special moment for me, and I thought wow! Is this true?. I remember it with a lot of warmth. I’m currently working with close friends on the Dubai event which it’s a project where we are giving our best. So could I say it’s my favorite event because are personal and affective implications? (I’m a very emotional person, lol).

Oema: Lastly, what advice would you give to someone who is just starting out in Second Life fashion and wants to make a name for themselves in the community?.

Anuska: A little more of what I said, just be they without influences, and follow their instinct, and super important! be insistent and sure of their ideas. Being original it’s always a good idea, the best I think.

Oh yes, for sure.

Anuska Loon Socials


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